Moving away from Medium

I was a happy user of medium until they started to raise the paywall due to they need to manage to turn it into a business not losing a lot of money. I am quite OK with paying or accept that the website needs to inject ads or something else to generate revenue. However, the way the medium has been doing is annoying. They put up the warning on the top of your write-ups saying that it is not behind the paywall, and you could not hide it by clicking it away, every time you visit the page it would show, and only the author would see it.

One of the benefit of Medium is that it comes with an app that I could simply just edit a write-up while I am traveling (though it could not be used without internet). I also found the replacement which is MWeb markdown editor. I could edit the writeup offline and easily publish it to the platforms supported. The Medium’s app is no longer exclusive benefit to me.

I decided to move back to the static site generator. I updated the Hakyll’s theme and make it as clean as possible. I was using the old Caspor theme but this time I used purecss to make one by myself. It is responsive and look very clean with all the white color around it. Without those large size javascript and css files need to be loaded, my static website loaded much faster as well, and I have full access to edit it as much as I like. This static website is also run on the digitalocean’s managerd kubernetes.

My journey so far has been Octopress, Hakyll, Medium, and then move back to Hakyll.